I realize I'm a bit late, but I was very disappointed with Macleans after having read an article about Canadian universities being too Asian. In my mind, the reporting done was absolutely terrible as I found that the writer made race an issue, which is funny, coming out of a Canadian magazine.
Click here for the article.
As an Asian-Canadian, I was incredibly offended.
From what I got from this article, I got a sense that the writer felt that Asians were being forced into school. Perhaps, even into certain programs.
First of all, I'm Asian. Second, I was never forced into a program that I had no interest in.
In fact, I'm studying Journalism, a fairly small program with not many Asians at all.
The article starts off with a girl named Alexandra, who chose to go to Western because schools such as UofT were "Too Asian."
"“Too Asian” is not about racism, say students like Alexandra: many white students simply believe that competing with Asians—both Asian Canadians and international students—requires a sacrifice of time and freedom they’re not willing to make. They complain that they can’t compete for spots in the best schools and can’t party as much as they’d like (too bad for them, most will say)."
Well if I ever meet this Alexandra girl, I would like to say my fair share of equally offensive things towards her. But of course, I won't. Causing more racism would not solve anything!!
I find it ironic how she says the issue isn't about race, because the whole article being spoken about deals with race!
Living in a country as diverse as Canada, students of all races should not feel resentment from choosing the university of their choice. And also, why is it a bad thing that Asians choose to work hard and get to go to a good school/program? Perhaps, students who weren't accepted aren't trying hard enough and want blame other people for their problems.
And the answer to why all Asians choose to stick together in groups? One will never know....
That’s not to say Asian students form any sort of monolithic presence on Canadian campuses. “The mainland China group tends to stick together,” says Anthony Wong, 19, a Waterloo software engineering student. “We can talk to them,” says Jonathan Ing, also 19 and in Waterloo’s software engineering program, “but we don’t mingle.” Complains Waterloo student Simon Wang, a Chinese national who is frustrated by the segregation at Waterloo: “Why bother to come to Canada and pay five times as much to speak Chinese?”
Although, I can take a crack at that answer:
Seeing the way people think of them, I'd stick to my people too!
You see, if there weren't more ethnic people going to school in Canada, people would not be complaining about universities being "too white."
And besides, race shouldn't be an issue, as it doesn't completely make a person who he/she is.
It is also terrible to say that Asians are taking away spots from people in university. I think that people have to take into consideration the work-ethic of people in general, and not people of a certain race. Of course, many Asians are hard-working, but just like every other human being, there are slackers as well. (YES, THERE ARE ASIANS WHO DON'T GO TO SCHOOL AND HAVE A CRAP JOB TOO! JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!)
And from what I know from my other Asian friends, they tried REALLY hard to get into competitive programs.
So what's the big deal? It's a problem for them to work hard so they can set out a good future for themselves and their families?
It is clear that racism exists in Canada with the many stereotypes made of people of colour such as African-Americans, Latinos, Indians, etc. (forgive me if this sounds offensive).
However, Canadians also need to realize that East Asians are also victims of racism.
As Canadians, we need to fully reevaluate the way we see people in our society. People are going to keep coming into the country for a better future. Hardly anything can change that. So please, just accept it.
Now having said that, I have decided that I need to refrain from being such an "overachieving Asian" and stop writing this blog post.
I think maybe I'll just go play some hockey and eat some poutine. I hope that's Canadian enough for you.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Me a Year Ago...
One year ago, I made a self-portrait for my film class. It's pretty self-explanatory, but it's really nice to see how things have changed since then.
I know I still look the same and act sort of the same, but I feel so much wiser and mature from that point in my life.
Though this time around, I am no longer wearing uniform and I am attending school downtown! Not to mention, I'm actually ALWAYS at the mall! High school seems like such a long time ago. Yes, I do miss it, but I'm glad to be studying a program I really love! Mind you, I can do without the mandatory English course though...and perhaps the marks I have been getting...
It's nice to look back at things like these. I hope I can make an update soon! Stay tuned!!
I know I still look the same and act sort of the same, but I feel so much wiser and mature from that point in my life.
Though this time around, I am no longer wearing uniform and I am attending school downtown! Not to mention, I'm actually ALWAYS at the mall! High school seems like such a long time ago. Yes, I do miss it, but I'm glad to be studying a program I really love! Mind you, I can do without the mandatory English course though...and perhaps the marks I have been getting...
It's nice to look back at things like these. I hope I can make an update soon! Stay tuned!!
What makes a SuperDog?
All it takes to make a SuperDog is motivation and a lot of cookies.
At least, that’s how Sue Trout’s Rottweiler Slinger learns.
Slinger, who’s three, twisted, hopped, and danced in front of a roaring crowd Tuesday afternoon.
Trout, along with her dog, is in Toronto for the 88th annual Royal Agricultural Winter Fair to perform at the SuperDogs competition.
An owner of two Rottweilers, Trout, 58, prefers to train almost every day.
“I’m kind of a train-a-holic. I just enjoy spending the time with my dogs and seeing what I can come up with and what I can teach them.”
Having performed with her dogs in the SuperDogs show for 22 years, Trout says the best way to train a dog is to be very motivational, instead of getting frustrated and angry with them.
Alluding to shows such as The Dog Whisperer which uses choke chains to train dogs, Trout thinks the methods used are not the correct ways to help a dog learn.
“To anybody, who will take a dog and hang it till his breath has gone out of him and then put it on the ground and say ‘Look, I have control’, that’s not training. That’s abuse,” she said.
Instead, Trout advises dog owners to go to a proper dog training school.
She thinks that people abuse dogs because they don’t realize that dogs have to be taught to behave and learn from their mistakes.
“People expect that dogs just drop out of the womb knowing how to heel. Well they don’t. You have to teach them. So take a cookie, shove it in their nose and walk them up the driveway for three weeks saying, "This is where I want you to heel.”
For Trout, she prefers to spend time with each of her two dogs to give them the attention they need.
“I don’t want my dogs suppressed. I want them keen to be able to make a mistake and go: ‘I’m not going to get a reward for that,’ rather than being punished.”
Nicky Snook, a personal dog trainer, also says that a dog’s behaviour can be traced from how the owner acts.
“I believe what energy used and portrayed are what the dogs are going to feel. So if you’re scared, the animal is going to feel it. So you just need to be very calm, and be relaxed about it. They do better that way. They feel that you’re confident as well. That’s what I find with every dog I’ve worked with that have fear problems or aggression problems. You can’t get anxious. It just doesn’t work for them. Praise, telling them “Good Dog”, petting them at the right time, feeding them at the right time, you can get them over those obstacles.”
Snook, 38, says a lot of people are in too much of a hurry to train their dogs. She suggests taking small steps to show the dog to not be afraid and to learn.
“It’s taking the time to work with the dog. Taking the time to build that dog’s confidence. I want to help the people who want to help the dogs, and enjoy the dogs."
At least, that’s how Sue Trout’s Rottweiler Slinger learns.
Slinger, who’s three, twisted, hopped, and danced in front of a roaring crowd Tuesday afternoon.
An owner of two Rottweilers, Trout, 58, prefers to train almost every day.
“I’m kind of a train-a-holic. I just enjoy spending the time with my dogs and seeing what I can come up with and what I can teach them.”
Having performed with her dogs in the SuperDogs show for 22 years, Trout says the best way to train a dog is to be very motivational, instead of getting frustrated and angry with them.
Alluding to shows such as The Dog Whisperer which uses choke chains to train dogs, Trout thinks the methods used are not the correct ways to help a dog learn.
“To anybody, who will take a dog and hang it till his breath has gone out of him and then put it on the ground and say ‘Look, I have control’, that’s not training. That’s abuse,” she said.
Instead, Trout advises dog owners to go to a proper dog training school.
She thinks that people abuse dogs because they don’t realize that dogs have to be taught to behave and learn from their mistakes.
“People expect that dogs just drop out of the womb knowing how to heel. Well they don’t. You have to teach them. So take a cookie, shove it in their nose and walk them up the driveway for three weeks saying, "This is where I want you to heel.”
For Trout, she prefers to spend time with each of her two dogs to give them the attention they need.
“I don’t want my dogs suppressed. I want them keen to be able to make a mistake and go: ‘I’m not going to get a reward for that,’ rather than being punished.”
Nicky Snook, a personal dog trainer, also says that a dog’s behaviour can be traced from how the owner acts.
“I believe what energy used and portrayed are what the dogs are going to feel. So if you’re scared, the animal is going to feel it. So you just need to be very calm, and be relaxed about it. They do better that way. They feel that you’re confident as well. That’s what I find with every dog I’ve worked with that have fear problems or aggression problems. You can’t get anxious. It just doesn’t work for them. Praise, telling them “Good Dog”, petting them at the right time, feeding them at the right time, you can get them over those obstacles.”
Snook, 38, says a lot of people are in too much of a hurry to train their dogs. She suggests taking small steps to show the dog to not be afraid and to learn.
“It’s taking the time to work with the dog. Taking the time to build that dog’s confidence. I want to help the people who want to help the dogs, and enjoy the dogs."
Sue Trout and her Rottweiler Slinger.
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Last week, we had to go around downtown taking pictures for this pointless class I have to take. I don't know much about taking photos, but I felt the photos I took were pretty decent.
HOWEVER, all of my optimistic thoughts and dreams of being a GREAT (emphasize GREAT) photojournalist were shattered. Today, the whole class (ALL 30 of us, yes) spent 21/2(or more, I don't know) looking at all our pictures and listening to critiques.
I have heard "You need people in it," at least 20 times.
THEREFORE, this is what I have learned from the class today:
HOWEVER, all of my optimistic thoughts and dreams of being a GREAT (emphasize GREAT) photojournalist were shattered. Today, the whole class (ALL 30 of us, yes) spent 21/2(or more, I don't know) looking at all our pictures and listening to critiques.
I have heard "You need people in it," at least 20 times.
THEREFORE, this is what I have learned from the class today:
Hmm...what would make this a bad photo? Oh, there are people in this photo!! ONE POINT. HOWEVER, there's no action. NEGATIVE 10 points...I'm sorry... THIS WOULD NOT BE PUBLISHED.
1. There's action
2. There's people
3. Shows the sign "Fighing hunger"
However, won't be published because it's not zoomed in enough, and you can't see what people are doing. OH YEAH, RULE OF THIRDS. AND YOU DIDN'T GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AND DO DIFFERENT ANGLES AND STUFF.GET A CLOSE-UP OF A PERSON.
EUREKA! Two people in a picture!! But they're posing...so maybe it's not such a great photo. THEY NEED TO BE CANDID I TELL YOU!!!
(Don't be hatin' on this veteran though! He was the best, and he was so sweet! He was such a charmer!!)
I'm sorry. I still think film is so much better.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
How Twitter Changed my Life.
I used to hate Twitter. It was lame, stupid, pointless, and kind of stalkerish.
NOW, it's awesome! Want to know why?
It's because it's extremely helpful for a journalist to have one! Not only that, the love of my life also known as Patrick Chan retweeted me. OKAY, I'm not that creepy! I PROMISE!
Too bad he doesn't know who I am. OH WELL. Take it in though, his "Shirtless Patrick Chan!" video is linked to this one!!
NOW, it's awesome! Want to know why?
It's because it's extremely helpful for a journalist to have one! Not only that, the love of my life also known as Patrick Chan retweeted me. OKAY, I'm not that creepy! I PROMISE!
Too bad he doesn't know who I am. OH WELL. Take it in though, his "Shirtless Patrick Chan!" video is linked to this one!!
patrick chan,
video blog
Saturday, 6 November 2010
I don't want a pair of UGGly boots.
I cannot last any more Canadian winters without a steady pair of boots.
My current pair of winter boots have been super-glued, coloured-in, soaked, super-glued again, and torn to point that it's safe to say that I need to go boots shopping.
For the past two seasons, I haven't been able to spot a pair of nice boots. I don't want to sound picky but I don't want a pair of boots for the sake of fashion or those hefty, up-to-the-knees, Kodiak boots lumberjacks wear.
Uggs are also not an option for me. First of all, they are generic because almost every girl (even some guys!) have a pair. Second of all, they are not even made for the winter season because they are made for sand. Thirdly, Uggs are also not for me because they are like outdoor slippers, therefore making them bad for my flat feet. I have seen people wear Uggs, and I can instantly tell that they are not fit to wear them. They walk in a crooked way, and it is actually quite unflattering. And lastly, I find them just plain atrocious.
But enough of the Uggs ranting. I want a pair of boots that is both stylish and water-resistant so that I will be fully satisfied for the winter season.
My current pair of winter boots have been super-glued, coloured-in, soaked, super-glued again, and torn to point that it's safe to say that I need to go boots shopping.
For the past two seasons, I haven't been able to spot a pair of nice boots. I don't want to sound picky but I don't want a pair of boots for the sake of fashion or those hefty, up-to-the-knees, Kodiak boots lumberjacks wear.
Uggs are also not an option for me. First of all, they are generic because almost every girl (even some guys!) have a pair. Second of all, they are not even made for the winter season because they are made for sand. Thirdly, Uggs are also not for me because they are like outdoor slippers, therefore making them bad for my flat feet. I have seen people wear Uggs, and I can instantly tell that they are not fit to wear them. They walk in a crooked way, and it is actually quite unflattering. And lastly, I find them just plain atrocious.
But enough of the Uggs ranting. I want a pair of boots that is both stylish and water-resistant so that I will be fully satisfied for the winter season.
Who knew Marks Work Wearhouse had such nice boots? No doubt that I would get a quality pair from that store, as IT IS linked to Canadian Tire. (I sound so Canadian...it's sad)
I think combat boots are pretty damn badass. I'm not sure how water-resistant they are, although the bottom pair is apparently water-proof. What do you think?
Or how about Tretorn wellies? They ARE for sure waterproof. But will they be able to withstand the Canadian winter?
Or how about Hunter wellies?
These are honestly the few pair of boots I would consider buying for the winter time, but I don't know! What kind of boots would you wear?
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Vote from Immigrants Crucial For Municipal Election in Ward 39
Make way for the new Canadians.
With a surge of immigrants moving into the Scarborough-Agincourt area, Ward 39 will greatly rely on their votes during the October 25 municipal election.
Ward 39, in northeast Toronto, is one of the city’s most diverse neighbourhoods housing several Chinese immigrants.
Childcare, education, job opportunities, and city services, are the area’s main concerns and candidates are emphasizing the importance for everyone to vote, especially new Canadians.
Incumbent councillor Mike Del Grande says new citizens should vote because it exercises their rights as Canadians.
Del Grande, 56, who has represented Ward 39 since 2003, wants to ensure the quality of city services in the area.
“I want to make sure areas that need funding get it. This means for proper garbage pick-up, more playground equipment, and improvement to our parks. It’s getting down to the basics before we go and do more,” he says.
He is also campaigning on promises of responsible and balanced spending in the area and continuing to make L’Amoreaux Park a destination point.
Del Grande, a resident of the neighbourhood for 27 years, also hopes to provide sports facilities and wants to help the community establish a dog park.
Candidate Kevin Xu thinks he is better suited for the job as he can speak English and Mandarin fluently, plus a bit of Cantonese.
Xu, who is the president of a private high school, the Canada International College, wants new Canadians to become familiar with the neighbourhood.
Xu, 43, does not have a political background, but he was always interested in politics.
Although Xu promises prompt, punctual, public transit, less littering on private lawns and to create more job opportunities for residents, he stresses that he wants to cooperate with the Toronto District School Board to ensure better facilities for students.
“I want to work with the TDSB to make use of facilities and that public schools provide newly, updated textbooks.”
Diversity is also a key component of Xu’s campaign. He hopes to propose a Multicultural Week that would take place annually in August or September.
“We need to keep cultural activities and performances. We need to make sure the culture (in this city) is not lost.”
Xu also thinks it is very important for new citizens to be aware of Canadian politics.
“All Canadians have come to build a new country and a new life. I strongly encourage them to come out and vote,” he said.
Caldwell Williams, who grew up in the Scarborough-Agincourt area, is the third and youngest candidate running to be councillor of Ward 39 at 23-years-old.
Williams, who has volunteered for the United Way, Toronto Community Housing and Tropicana, says he wasn’t always interested in politics.
He says he decided to run for council so he can deal with all the unresolved issues happening in his neighbourhood, such as inadequate lighting, property improvements, community safety, and accessibility to immigrant services and clinics.
Daycare accessibility and job opportunities are also two of Williams’ main concerns.
“Ward 39 has one of the biggest youth populations. We need to be ready to accommodate these needs. Another thing is also employment. Businesses in our ward are hiring people who live in Mississauga as opposed to hiring the person who lives in the area. So definitely getting employers to invest more to the community and to its people,” he said.
Like the other candidates running to represent Ward 39, Williams also believes that it is vital for immigrants to participate in the municipal election.
“This is going to be the most immigrants within and the minority, which is generally the immigrant population, is now going to be the majority. Understanding that we need to invest in this group is crucial.”
Longtime local residents also think there are many improvements to be made in the neighbourhood.
Deacon Valentinus Danukarjanto, who serves at the Epiphany of Our Lord Parish, says he wants traffic problems in the Warden and Steeles area to be dealt with.
As a 28-year resident of the ward, he also wants a balance in attendance for local schools as he sees that class sizes are getting smaller and smaller.
“Schools like St. Maxamilian Kolbe have smaller classes while St. Henry’s is growing. Why do you have to close one school and have one that is bigger? There should be a balance,” he said.
Real estate agent Oliver Pereira, 53, wants owning a home to be more affordable.
“The property taxes need to go down. Many people cannot pay for homes and most of them don’t have enough money.”
Eric Sin, who is a municipal worker, suggests to see more events such as clean-up days, environmental awareness events and barbecues.
“This is so that the councillor can actually talk to their constituents and let the public know that the councillor is actually working for them by repping them at city hall.”
Danukarjanto encourages everyone to follow the election so they can choose the best candidate.
“It is very important because they are exercising their rights as a citizen.”
With a surge of immigrants moving into the Scarborough-Agincourt area, Ward 39 will greatly rely on their votes during the October 25 municipal election.
Ward 39, in northeast Toronto, is one of the city’s most diverse neighbourhoods housing several Chinese immigrants.
Childcare, education, job opportunities, and city services, are the area’s main concerns and candidates are emphasizing the importance for everyone to vote, especially new Canadians.
Incumbent councillor Mike Del Grande says new citizens should vote because it exercises their rights as Canadians.
Del Grande, 56, who has represented Ward 39 since 2003, wants to ensure the quality of city services in the area.
“I want to make sure areas that need funding get it. This means for proper garbage pick-up, more playground equipment, and improvement to our parks. It’s getting down to the basics before we go and do more,” he says.
He is also campaigning on promises of responsible and balanced spending in the area and continuing to make L’Amoreaux Park a destination point.
Del Grande, a resident of the neighbourhood for 27 years, also hopes to provide sports facilities and wants to help the community establish a dog park.
Candidate Kevin Xu thinks he is better suited for the job as he can speak English and Mandarin fluently, plus a bit of Cantonese.
Xu, who is the president of a private high school, the Canada International College, wants new Canadians to become familiar with the neighbourhood.
Xu, 43, does not have a political background, but he was always interested in politics.
Although Xu promises prompt, punctual, public transit, less littering on private lawns and to create more job opportunities for residents, he stresses that he wants to cooperate with the Toronto District School Board to ensure better facilities for students.
“I want to work with the TDSB to make use of facilities and that public schools provide newly, updated textbooks.”
Diversity is also a key component of Xu’s campaign. He hopes to propose a Multicultural Week that would take place annually in August or September.
“We need to keep cultural activities and performances. We need to make sure the culture (in this city) is not lost.”
Xu also thinks it is very important for new citizens to be aware of Canadian politics.
“All Canadians have come to build a new country and a new life. I strongly encourage them to come out and vote,” he said.
Caldwell Williams, who grew up in the Scarborough-Agincourt area, is the third and youngest candidate running to be councillor of Ward 39 at 23-years-old.
Williams, who has volunteered for the United Way, Toronto Community Housing and Tropicana, says he wasn’t always interested in politics.
He says he decided to run for council so he can deal with all the unresolved issues happening in his neighbourhood, such as inadequate lighting, property improvements, community safety, and accessibility to immigrant services and clinics.
Daycare accessibility and job opportunities are also two of Williams’ main concerns.
“Ward 39 has one of the biggest youth populations. We need to be ready to accommodate these needs. Another thing is also employment. Businesses in our ward are hiring people who live in Mississauga as opposed to hiring the person who lives in the area. So definitely getting employers to invest more to the community and to its people,” he said.
Like the other candidates running to represent Ward 39, Williams also believes that it is vital for immigrants to participate in the municipal election.
“This is going to be the most immigrants within and the minority, which is generally the immigrant population, is now going to be the majority. Understanding that we need to invest in this group is crucial.”
Longtime local residents also think there are many improvements to be made in the neighbourhood.
Deacon Valentinus Danukarjanto, who serves at the Epiphany of Our Lord Parish, says he wants traffic problems in the Warden and Steeles area to be dealt with.
As a 28-year resident of the ward, he also wants a balance in attendance for local schools as he sees that class sizes are getting smaller and smaller.
“Schools like St. Maxamilian Kolbe have smaller classes while St. Henry’s is growing. Why do you have to close one school and have one that is bigger? There should be a balance,” he said.
Real estate agent Oliver Pereira, 53, wants owning a home to be more affordable.
“The property taxes need to go down. Many people cannot pay for homes and most of them don’t have enough money.”
Eric Sin, who is a municipal worker, suggests to see more events such as clean-up days, environmental awareness events and barbecues.
“This is so that the councillor can actually talk to their constituents and let the public know that the councillor is actually working for them by repping them at city hall.”
Danukarjanto encourages everyone to follow the election so they can choose the best candidate.
“It is very important because they are exercising their rights as a citizen.”
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
♥ LANVIN for H&M
As a big fan of video and fashion, I thought I would like to share a video with all of you.
Gorgeous prints, colours, silhouettes, lace, frills, and pouffes galore = COLLABORATION GOODNESS
THIS whole line is amazing, besides the fact that I really love how this video was filmed. I'm really digging fashion films nowadays...
I'm not very good at writing about fashion, but Lanvin's collaboration with H&M is something all fashionistas need to keep tabs on. With the right amount of elegance topped off with some badass appeal, this video is reason to make me feel like I need to go SHOPPING!! Thus, resulting in a huge hole in my wallet.
At least with H&M, you are always guaranteed affordable clothing. In this case, AFFORDABLE DESIGNER CLOTHING.
Here are some pieces that I wouldn't mind having in my closet.
Oh no biggie...just shopping and looking like fabulous. Way to make a girl feel jealous......
Oh no she didn't!!! What could be hotter than wearing this LBD to a party! Who cares for duplicates?!
AND HELLO THERE WELL-DRESSED MEN!!! Remember, being fashionable isn't only directed to women! So take note!!!
Some notable parts of the video:
"Oh my GOD!! OH MY GOD!!!!"
Kind of ungrateful…but who can blame her?The clothes are nice!!!
But GIRLLL, just take the gifts seriously and ask your man to go shopping!!
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