For more of my videos, please go to my YouTube Channel Spammymonkey.
News Broadcasts
Will You Vote for Ryerson Radio?
This particular story is about the radio referendum taking place Ryerson university. With the shut down of CKLN last year due to lack of diversity and student-operated shows, it was shutdown in April. But with heavy campaigning, students in related programs such as Radio and Television Arts and Journalism have been campaigning to bring in a new station. For this story, I was the reporter. Arman Aghbali was in charge of the camera work and Nicole Servinis was the editor.
Better Biking
This is a story about biking on campus and whether or not it is a better option for students. For this piece, I was in charge of the camera work. Shannon Cuciz was the reporter and Warren Bardsley was in charge of editing.
Stop the Meter Rally: Voices
Nuit Blanche 2010 in Toronto
Short Films
People You Meet on Facebook
What kind of people do you encounter on Facebook? A mockumentary of four very interesting individuals' lives on Facebook.
Technology vs. No Technology
A reenactment of how my day went going 24 hours without technology.