Tuesday, 13 September 2011

TIFF 2011: Waiting in Line for Drive.

As you all know, the Toronto International Film Festival is in town...and I get to be part of it!

I am of course, a volunteer this year. As a result, I get to see a ton of movies and also some celebrities!!

While I was off duty on Saturday, I lined up for Drive, which of course stars the gorgeous and immaculate Ryan Gosling. I was at Roy Thomson Hall the day before to try and catch a glimpse of him and George Clooney...which failed quite miserably. People kept pushing...and to make things even better, a 6 foot dude decided to stand in front of me...blocking my view.

I did however, catch Clooney's face and Ryan Gosling's hair that day. Since I was disappointed about not seeing Ryan Gosling, I felt the need to rush Drive the next day. Apart from that, I really wanted to see the film  anyways.

So, after my early morning shift, my cousin and I headed down to the Ryerson Theatre to line up extra early. You would think we were crazy (okay, maybe a little) but we ended up getting free tix! (I'll get to that later)

The first red carpet gala I caught was for Melancholia starring Kiefer Sutherland, Kirsten Dunst and Alex Skarsgard. I heard the film was quite amazing, and now I am determined to watch it!!

Here are some shots I caught while stuck in the scrum of madness (AKA the people asking for autographs just so they could sell them on eBay.)

Not super amazing, but close enough. Kiefer Sutherland walks the red carpet.

Alex Skarsgard signing autographs for fans

Striking a pose on the red carpet.

Kirsten Dunst signing for some fans. 


So after than fun, it was time for some more waiting!! These girls tried asking to get in front of me which I immediately declined. I was already in the front of the line. There was NO WAY I was letting them butt in. I was there waiting for three hours already!! Honestly, I really don't know how or what compelled these people to ask such a ridiculous question.

And of course, when 5:30 rolled by, the cast of Drive was starting to arrive!! I really could not contain my excitement to finally see Ryan Gosling! I'm so sorry Patrick Chan. I still love you but Ryan Gosling has captured my heart as well...(wow that sounds really creepy).

Seriously, would you look at that face?! 

It was hard to take pictures, but I was soon delighted to find out some really good news! Me, along with my cousin and two other friends, won reserved seats courtesy of Diet Coke because we were in the front of the rush line!! 

See, sometimes it pays to line up for six hours!! 

HAHA.  And while I thoroughly enjoyed Drive, nothing beat seeing Ryan Gosling in the flesh and on stage being all sexy and such. (Okay, I really have to stop...)

As for a more detailed review of Drive, that will come later!!

So now, I will just leave you with two pictures of Ryan Gosling.

Sorry if it's dark!!!!

Friday, 9 September 2011

A New Year's Resolution that Came in Early.

A thought came to me after my trip to Europe.

While I took a lot of worthwhile pictures, I realized I probably haven't taken enough.  While I know I will be returning to Europe, especially London, England, I realized that I haven't made the best of my abilities in capturing some worthwhile things that didn't occur to me at the time while I was there!!

For example, being in Covent Garden for the four days, I could have probably taken 20 more interesting shots.  Being at Camden Market once, I should have taken a picture at more of the little trinkets from the vendors.  But of course, I probably would have gotten into trouble.

The point is, being a blogger and budding journalist, I should really become more of a visual person. Writing is not the only thing that is important anymore. Nor is watching a broadcast on TV.
Photography has never been my forte. I have always preferred video. However, I guess this year will be when I will improve.

Pictures are doing more of the talking nowadays.  And for that, I need to exercise this a lot more.