Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Devastation in another nation.

The news updates about the state of Japan is heartbreaking and leaves me feeling a sense of hopelessness. I'm not saying I'm feeling hopeless for Japan, because I really do wish for the state of the country to be stable again.

What I'm saying is, I feel hopeless for myself.

Hopeless that I can't even do anything to help make their problems a little less smaller. Sure I can donate, but it sure doesn't feel like enough. And also, where? I don't just want to text Redcross, I want to hand deliver my money...as it is easier for me as a student on a budget. And also, tossing in some money can only do so much.

What I want to do is to do something different, and to actually get people to join me along the way. A joint-fundraiser? Donating supplies?...

What are the chances that an 8.9 earthquake, a tsunami and nuclear plant explosions would happen in one country? Why is there so much injustice?  I just don't understand...

And then amid all this tragedy comes hearing news of Justin Bieber's shoes or the Royal wedding. Why yes, these may be important updates for some, but I'd just like to say that there are better things in the world.

It's frightening how a city was just swept up by a wave of water.

1 comment:

  1. cant imagine what it would be like to have been in japan during this disaster! my thoughts are with people in japan!

