Friday, 29 July 2011

Toronto Track and Field Meet

Okay. So...I've been totally slacking on this blog but I have a legitimate excuse!! The past month has been incredibly busy.  I was working full time and was doing a lot of family stuff.  Therefore, I haven't had the time to update the blog very often.

So you know...this is like three weeks late.

Anyone who knows me knows that track is a sport I love and am passionate about.  On July 13, 2011, I got to volunteer at the Toronto International Track and Field Meet at Varsity Stadium.  Competitors included the likes of hurdlers Perdita Felicien, Phylicia George (a Mary Ward alumni!), sprinter Walter Dix, Shot putter Dylan Armstrong and several other talented runners from the United States, Kenya, and Jamaica. 

At the meet, my duty was to hand out results to the reporters.  Being a journalism student, I made this my opportunity to be a part of the media scrum so I could see how it would be like to work at big sporting events as a journalist. I even did a little networking with a recent Rye Journalism grad!!

And boy, did I run a lot that day!!  However, I felt the meet took in too many volunteers.  So many slackers GEEZ.

Nonetheless, it was a good experience. I even got to meet last year's World No. 1 hurdler Priscilla Lopes-Schliep!! She didn't compete that day because she's pregnant. She's super nice!!

Fun fact:  I ran my first and only OFSAA at this stadium!! *bittersweet*

All the boys here have the same outfit!! SO CUTE!!!! :') 

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