Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Downtown was once a very mystical place

When I was little, I used to think  downtown Toronto was a very mystical place.  I lived in Scarborough.  And while that is still considered Toronto, there was never much of a reason to go downtown.

But when I did go, it was always so magical. Especially during the Christmas season. I loved going to the Eaton Centre to look at the huge diamond Christmas tree and I always loved looking at the beautiful Christmas lights.  Once a year, I would go down to watch a Ross Petty production at the Elgin and Winter Theatre.

But the real treat was always the Santa Claus Parade.  There is only one or two other times I remember attending.  Maybe I attended when I was a little baby, but I don't recall any of it.  However, I got to relive that magic this weekend.  Seeing all the floats and Christmas cheer was amazing.  Even if it was cold, it was nice seeing everyone's face light up when Santa's float came sliding by.

I'm not going to lie though.  I thought the wait was quite long, especially since the temperatures were steadily dropping and getting colder.  I really could have used a nice hot drink at the moment.  But overall, I quite enjoyed myself.  It reminded me of old memories and the floats were quite nice!!

Besides, the buy one get one free holiday drinks at Starbucks afterwards was a treat!!  Because I had no one to share with, I ended up stocking up on caffeine.  WHOOPZ.

Even if I'm familiar with downtown Toronto now, it will still somewhat be that magical place I once thought it was.

But perhaps, London, England is that place for me now.

 Toronto Rock, our city's lacrosse team. 

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford throwing candy canes. I didn't get any by the way. 

 Creepy looking monkeys

 Extremely small-waisted Barbies.

 Mrs. Claus!!! Her first time at the parade!!!

Can you spot us?? 


  1. Well thank-you for your time Samantha! Nice to meet you ! Wow! These parades are all so beautiful! Childhood fantasy!!!! I wish you the best and do not forget to have a big laugh today! It truly is the best medicine!
