I'm currently thinking about going on a little hiatus. A reason for this is to re-evaluate the way I think and write.
I've really lost a sense of what my writing should really be, so I shall be taking a minor break from personal blogging.
In addition to this, I have decided to change the URL of my blog to Spammymonkey. Spammymonkey is just an old nickname, as the blog I originally started was a place to keep in touch with friends. For those who decided to join me along the way, thanks for coming!!
I will be back. I'm just a bit tired of blogging for a while.
If you still want to read what I have to say, you can switch over to some of my journalism work at my online portfolio.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
So...I did something shameful this weekend. And it was something I loathed others for doing...which makes me really hypocritical.
I decided to link a blog post discussing the same topic on a website that specifically hated on bloggers. BOOM. Hate ensued. I'm quite ashamed about this, but I'm slowly learning to move on. I'm glad people came to tell me this, instead of those mocking me over the internet. Well, I guess I've gained some hate followers haven't I?
Oh well. That's not to say I condone most of the hate people say about other bloggers on the site anyways...If it were constructive criticism, it would be okay. But some of the comments criticizing someone for their appearances don't quite solve anything or lead to any improvements.
That being said, yes I am a douche. Come and hate follow me!!! :)
In somewhat related news, I caught the film Shame the other day. And boy, it was really not a film to go see with friends. It displayed full-frontal nudity and of course, lots and lots of sex. I mean, what's a movie about a sex-addict supposed to be if it wasn't raunchy?
But if that isn't enough to turn you off, I come with more warnings. Shame is not a film for everyone as it is probably the unsexiest movie about sex anyone will ever see. Let's just say there is too much of it that you will leave the theatre wanting to take a long shower or wanting to watch a happy, children's flick.
What I do have to say is, the movie struck a chord with me. Just like any addiction, Michael Fassbender's sex-crazed Brandon was in a terrible state and needed help badly. I just wish he could have helped himself much sooner instead of making the audience go through so much pain watching him suffer. Though on the flip side, at least he had a nice body. That made the film more bearable to watch.
If Michael Fassbender does not at least get a nomination for his acting, I'm not sure I can take the Academy seriously anymore. But then again, they put in ten nominees into the Best Picture category...which completely takes out the whole competitive nature of the awards.
This isn't a film I would recommend, per say. But if you're still interested, I've left you with a teaser. Watch this beautifully crafted scene scored by Hans Zimmer as Fassbender's Brandon tries to chase after a woman he isn't able to completely lure.
I do have to say, if Fassy wasn't so attractive, this scene wouldn't be as easy to joke about. If this happened to me in real life, I would have ran far, far away!!!!
I decided to link a blog post discussing the same topic on a website that specifically hated on bloggers. BOOM. Hate ensued. I'm quite ashamed about this, but I'm slowly learning to move on. I'm glad people came to tell me this, instead of those mocking me over the internet. Well, I guess I've gained some hate followers haven't I?
Oh well. That's not to say I condone most of the hate people say about other bloggers on the site anyways...If it were constructive criticism, it would be okay. But some of the comments criticizing someone for their appearances don't quite solve anything or lead to any improvements.
That being said, yes I am a douche. Come and hate follow me!!! :)
In somewhat related news, I caught the film Shame the other day. And boy, it was really not a film to go see with friends. It displayed full-frontal nudity and of course, lots and lots of sex. I mean, what's a movie about a sex-addict supposed to be if it wasn't raunchy?
But if that isn't enough to turn you off, I come with more warnings. Shame is not a film for everyone as it is probably the unsexiest movie about sex anyone will ever see. Let's just say there is too much of it that you will leave the theatre wanting to take a long shower or wanting to watch a happy, children's flick.
What I do have to say is, the movie struck a chord with me. Just like any addiction, Michael Fassbender's sex-crazed Brandon was in a terrible state and needed help badly. I just wish he could have helped himself much sooner instead of making the audience go through so much pain watching him suffer. Though on the flip side, at least he had a nice body. That made the film more bearable to watch.
If Michael Fassbender does not at least get a nomination for his acting, I'm not sure I can take the Academy seriously anymore. But then again, they put in ten nominees into the Best Picture category...which completely takes out the whole competitive nature of the awards.
This isn't a film I would recommend, per say. But if you're still interested, I've left you with a teaser. Watch this beautifully crafted scene scored by Hans Zimmer as Fassbender's Brandon tries to chase after a woman he isn't able to completely lure.
I do have to say, if Fassy wasn't so attractive, this scene wouldn't be as easy to joke about. If this happened to me in real life, I would have ran far, far away!!!!
Friday, 16 December 2011
Honesty is the best policy.
I'll admit that I am not SUPER big on fashion blogging because I find a lot of it vapid and just another way to make me feel poor for not having "nice" clothing.
But when the Man Repeller started to get popular a little over a year ago, I became an avid reader because Leandra Medine has a humourous outlook on fashion, dresses for herself and didn't give a damn about being single if she could dress the way she wanted with harem pants and furry shoes included.
But when she announced earlier this week that she was engaged in a (now deleted but good thing there's CACHE) post, many readers were supportive. But others blew up and were angry. A part of me doesn't know how to feel. I'll keep reading her blog because I find it entertaining a lot of times, but like many, I feel a bit cheated.
I believe honesty is always the best policy when it comes to writing even if it is just a blog. But for the past 18 months or so, Leandra has been pulling off this whole schtick about being perpetually single because she dresses weirdly. I understand the whole point of her blog being solely a fashion blog with the perspective of attracting females who appreciate "fashion that men hate". But to suddenly drop a bomb and reveal something personal like being ENGAGED after 18 or so months of coming off as a single girl who couldn't score a date because of your odd outfits is kind of wrong to me.
Reading this thread, I gathered a lot of opinions from readers and GOMI, the poster. I agree.
All writers (whether you blog or not), need to be honest with their readers and by doing so, they must pick one specific lane and stick with it. If you're going to be a fashion blogger talking about weird fashions men dislike, then stick to that and be subtle about your personal life or not mention it at all!! You can't pretend to be single for a year and a half while acting like you're best friends with devoted readers and fans when you say you want "your private life private". If you want to go with the whole "man-repelling" theme, then be consistent with it. If the whole purpose of your blog is to show women that being single is okay and to dress the way you want, then there shouldn't be a need to be too personal and get attached. Because then, people will feel betrayed and lied to.
I'll still continue to read her blog. But this definitely changes my perspective on her. Don't be personal if you're going to not share something with your readers. Pick one theme and stick with it.
Even though my blog doesn't have a specific theme, I know for a fact that this blog is a way to express issues that matter to me.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
In Defense of Patrick Chan
I know I haven't been posting lately because I have been in hibernation mode for my exams. But during the time away, a lot of of news has happened. Christie Blatchford, a columnist for the National Post, decided to post an extremely sexist article on little boys hugging (I shall get to that in a later post). In addition to that, a super drunk couple was caught having sex on the TTC.
Yeah, big deal huh? Well since including all of that would mean an incredibly long and dreadful post, I have decided to write about something, rather someone, who is dear to my heart in terms of Canadian sports.
Patrick Chan, whom we all know I love, was announced today as the recipient of 2011's Lou Marsh Award which makes him Canada's Athlete of the Year.
Kind of controversial after a few of his comments came under fire after a Reuters article popped up last week with quotes stating how he wished he could represent both China and Canada in figure skating.
If you're too lazy to read the article here are the quotes Patrick said.
But even though I am on Patrick's side of the game I do have criticisms for his comments. He mentions how the Chinese have incredible support for their athletes, but I don't think he quite understands what he is saying because he isn't a citizen of China. HE IS CANADIAN, AFTER ALL.
Yeah, big deal huh? Well since including all of that would mean an incredibly long and dreadful post, I have decided to write about something, rather someone, who is dear to my heart in terms of Canadian sports.
Kind of controversial after a few of his comments came under fire after a Reuters article popped up last week with quotes stating how he wished he could represent both China and Canada in figure skating.
If you're too lazy to read the article here are the quotes Patrick said.
"If you look at all the sports in China, the government is extremely involved and they are extremely proud of their athletes. People understand better what we do as skaters," Chan told Reuters in a telephone interview ahead of this week's Grand Prix Final in Quebec.
"Sometimes I feel we are not appreciated for how much work we put in. If my parents hadn't emigrated from China and say I had skated for China, things would have been very different. My parents wouldn't have had to make as much sacrifices as they have and there would be a lot more respect for what we do as figure skaters.
"I'm extremely well recognised in Korea just because of what I do on the ice and there is a lack of that in Canada because hockey is our sport and it will be for eternity. Figure skating has lost the draw and the attention (it used to have before)."
"Several years ago I felt more Canadian but I'm slowly feeling more Chinese and feel I should be more proud of being Chinese and appreciate where I've come from. (This is because) of the support I get from the Chinese community in Canada," Chan, who is fluent in English, French and Cantonese, said as he took a break from his intensive training schedule.
"I do (wish I could have represented both China and Canada when I compete). That would be the ideal situation... in a perfect world."
I'll admit here that I am going to be biased about this because it's Patrick Chan. But if it were any other athlete saying similar comments, I would probably feel the same way.
As a Chinese-Canadian of parents who immigrated here from Hong Kong (much like Patrick's parents), I am able to relate to Patrick because culture is important to me while Canada is where I'm actually from. I once traveled to China myself, and I definitely felt the roots to my culture and therefore felt more Chinese. So yes, I definitely can see where Patrick is coming from with his quotes. But that doesn't mean he doesn't want to stop competing for Canada!! He said so himself, he would not stop competing for Canada.
As a student journalist, I have been able to learn how to judge articles for the way they are presented and written. There is always a some sort of framing involved to show an angle of of the story. Unfortunately for Patrick, Reuters decided to angle his quotes in an unfavourable way. In this piece, he sounds pompous and is made to seem somewhat "unproud" of his Canadian heritage. But who's to say that's how he actually sounded during the interview? It's only in print...so people can make up their own assumptions of the tone of voice he's using.
Heck, I don't know what goes on there either but I have heard and seen news pieces about young Chinese children going into training at an incredibly young age to become elite Olympic athletes. They have to watch their diets and sometimes, they are the hope of their families to get some wealth. So to hear Patrick say something like this-- where he is so privileged living in a country with good education, wonderful coaches and freedom of choice--was a little bit upsetting to me. I don't quite think he has a complete grasp of the world or how lucky he is to have so much support from his own country.
But other than that, Patrick does have a point about figure skaters (and amateur athletes) being under-appreciated in Canada. In this culture of hockey and professional sports, why can't we show some more love to amateur athletes who train just as hard but are paid less and publicized much less than those athletes who are shown on TV every night?! And to say amateur sports doesn't matter is just plain ignorant. Those athletes have been putting as much effort into their sports as much as any other elite player.
So this is why I think Patrick Chan is deserving of the Lou Marsh Award despite his comments and his inability to keep his incredibly honest thoughts to himself. Yes, he "failed" at the Olympics by coming in fifth...but he has since learned to improve his skills by adding a quad to his repertoire. Since then, he has won two Grand Prix Finals, his fourth Canadian Championship, a World Champion Crown, and set three Guinness World Records.
Yes, I know people think he is overscored but perhaps people don't really understand the whole figure skating judging system. And besides, it's not him who determines the scores!! To say he hasn't accomplished a lot in the past year would be a lie.
Yes, I know people think he is overscored but perhaps people don't really understand the whole figure skating judging system. And besides, it's not him who determines the scores!! To say he hasn't accomplished a lot in the past year would be a lie.
But that's not to say the other athletes nominated weren't just as deserving. If it were up to me (even though I wanted Patrick to win), it would have been between Dylan Armstrong, Milos Raonic and Eric Lamaze with Hickstead. Dylan Armstrong is the #1 ranked shot putter in the world, but he only won silver at worlds. Milos Raonic climbed way up in the ATP rankings this year, but injury has plagued him from competing. Eric Lamaze and Hickstead did wonderful things as an equestrian team. To honour them both for the award would have been an honour of the champion horse's death.
However, I truly believe 2011 was Patrick's year. Nothing really went wrong with him in terms of competitions.
So congratulations Mr. Chan, you truly deserve it. I hope you realize how much we Canadians actually love and support you.
So congratulations Mr. Chan, you truly deserve it. I hope you realize how much we Canadians actually love and support you.
As for interviews, from a young journalist to a young athlete, I advise some media training to help you censor your comments.
But enjoy the crown Patrick. And remember, Canada does love you.
Saturday, 3 December 2011
It's not LIU. It's LUI.
I have lived almost 20 years of my life and people have been pronouncing my last name wrong since birth. It is seriously not that hard. And since I have been frustrated lately by the amount of butchering, I have decided to clarify it through a video.
As a journalist, I seriously hope this video helps people with my name. There's nothing worse than hearing your name being butchered on live television!!
You're welcome everybody.
As a journalist, I seriously hope this video helps people with my name. There's nothing worse than hearing your name being butchered on live television!!
You're welcome everybody.
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